January 2022: Where does the stamp go again?
The Inspiration: "A novel, like a letter, should be loose, cover much ground, run swiftly, take risk of mortality and decay." - Saul Bellow. The second week of January is "Universal Letter Writing Week." UNIVERSAL. But since we are a monthly chronicle, we are expanding that week to span the entire month of January!
The Commitment: Write some letters! Get caught up on correspondences. Reconnect with long-lost friends. Send ridiculous postcards to random little kids you know. Its also Handwriting Month, allegedly, so lets dig out that cursive you learned in 2nd grade.
ps. the stamp goes on the top right.
Please send all letters addressed to me to:
25 NW 23RD Pl., STE 6, Mailbox 234
Portland, OR 97210
Oh you didn't ask? Well now you have it just in case.